Monday, January 18, 2016

The Mystique Meteora

 To explore is to discover. To discover is to learn. To learn is to live.

Tagaytay is known for its cold breeze of air plus its tourist attractions. It is a nice place to go with family or even hangout with friends. If you feel like soul searching and looking for a sanctuary, Tagaytay will be one of the best places to go!

It was on October, 2015 when my second family in Pangasinan brought me again to Tagaytay. Though it has become a usual place for me, my heart still got excited because I know that this would be a different road trip.

We left Pangasinan by two o'clock in the morning. Praise God for TPLEX and NLEX! We arrived in Quezon City five hours after... and since National Capital Region is known for its rush-hour traffic, we reached Tagaytay around ten thirty.

Okay! This was it! I could feel the breeze of fresh air and its cold weather. Finally, I was brought back to one of my comfort places! Yehey! :))

And here it goes: We will be staying in METEORA for a day!

"Meteora is one of the more noteworthy houses in Tagaytay City, recently been rented as a private bed and breakfast. It is a two-bedroom house with multiple view decks."

I've never been there before. I just saw it from different travel blogs. And the reviews were really good. So now it's my time to see it with my naked eye. Chos!

Sorry for not taking good shots. Promise, I'll do better next time! :))) And I will definitely be back in this place! Sama ka? :D


METEORA Tagaytay
Ligaya Drive (Talisay Road), Sungay East, Tagaytay City, Philippines

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