Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Perfect Choice

Yesterday after attending the mass at St. Dominic Parish at San Carlos City, Pangasinan,  I walked down the streets and listened to good vibes music (for my happy hormones, hahaha). When suddenly one question popped in to my mind, “Kung hindi ko kaya pinili ang buhay na ‘to, nasaan na kaya ako ngayon?”

A.      Corporate World
Thinking of being in this kind of world, it is challenging! I have to do a daily routine with laptop, paper works and alike. I have to deal with my officemates and bosses. I have to meet certain deadlines, meetings here, meetings there… I have to fix myself everyday and look forward on the things that will happen the following days that might somehow change my routine, and maybe look forward on my pay day. Money that can buy everything I want!!! Exciting, isn’t it? I have more money to save or use to help my family or to start an independent life (a life that every single man/woman has been dreaming of…building the best future!) Why not?

B.     Business Entrepreneurship
If not being a part of a corporate world, I may be an entrepreneur. :) I love recreating and developing new things. My passion for that little creativity (20% of me) can help me build a new business. (That’s why I took up a business course) There was this time when I told my dad that I want to be One of the Business Tycoons in the country. Funny it may seem, but I want to be featured in business & lifestyle magazines with all my accomplishments written. Hahaha! I’ve been inspired by those young entrepreneurs who made it to be known and popular. I want that too!

C.     University
Spending 16 years in school was not that bad. It was actually fun! Having those new knowledge about everything, meeting friends and colleagues and even being involved in different organizations… Ohh school! I want you again. Hahaha. I want to have a master’s degree on business or public administration or urban planning maybe, or why not fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a corporate lawyer? J I love having that “Atty.” before my first name. That’s so cool! And hoping to be a top notcher in my bar exams. Oh dreams! :) I can live a dream of being a professional, a popular one. Who among us don’t want to be that successful?

D.   Public Service
Growing up in a family who dedicate their lives in serving the public, it somehow becomes a desire. Why not continue the legacy? :D It is not the fame that I am after of, but it is really about helping (sounds like a politician, huh?). But sincerely, I want to change the government system (the wrong ones only of course) and to help develop the society. How can these businessmen help the marginalized people and how can the laborers help these investors as well wherein they can have an equal and fair system? How can we help Filipinos be entrepreneurs as well? Hmm. Oh well, I don’t know how I can do that, I don’t have that enough knowledge and skills! :)) Those are just my ideas!

Whew! A lot of things are playing on my mind! But, when I look to where I am now. I am at peace. I am joyful. Those dreams, those fantasies, those desires… I can have it all in the life that I’ve chosen now.

1.       Corporate world is also a mission field. God is my Big Boss! :) I’ve been dealing with people also (a lot of people)! I enjoy hearing their stories and being inspired by them. I love to witness the transformation of people, the reconciliation of relationships and the restoration of hearts and souls. Those become the affirmation of my calling. This is not about me. This is all about Him! This may be a routine or just an ordinary thing to do, but focusing on Him makes it more meaningful and even extraordinary. :) And oops I forgot to tell, I am highly paid, more that what I’ve asked and deserved for. I have a Big Boss, remember? :)

2.       Being an entrepreneur is my work also. Innovating things, being creative (sometimes) help me develop my other side. I may not be featured in any magazine, but one thing I believe, my name is written in heaven.

3.       I want to go back to school, but this work has been a personal school to me. I may not learn by books nor instructors, but I’m learning with all these experiences...nothing compared experiences! Everyday is a learning, not only about the mission work but also about myself. I am being mold and refined more by Him.  I may not have that “M.A.” after my name nor “Atty.” before it, but I am happy with my identity. I am created beautifully by God and I am His princess.

4.       Mission work is a public service --- serving His people. The change, the development, the equality and fairness of everybody, it can all be attained! We are all His workers in His vineyard and we can do it together. I may not believe in my own capacity, but I know God is here with me, He believes in me! And I want to continue His legacy.

Yes, it is true! I have the best job in the world, a complete life-growth package, my perfect choice!

Missionary life is my calling and this is where God wants me to be.

[I owe a lot to Couples for Christ for being a blessing to our family for 23 years and counting. If not because of this community, I may not be falling in love with Him this deeply. To my parents, thank you for offering me to Him. Indeed He is forever faithful! :)) Praise God!]

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