Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 11: Still in Awe (A Journey to Remember)

During one of my prayer times, the Lord spoke to me, "Wait for me, My child. I have prepared the best plans for you. Trust Me and keep your faith in Me. My promise is true." Sometimes obedience and waiting may not be that easy, but when you fully put your trust in Him, everything seems to be in a different way. I've waited for months, weeks and days, and finally, God has revealed to me what His promise is. "The time has come, the wait is over, this is My promise, the promise is NOW."

As I say goodbye to Batangas, I say hello to Pangasinan (a province of NOrth-Western Luzon)! I may not be prepared like any one else, but I believe He is with me. He doesn't look what is present in me, but instead He does see the future that awaits for me.

CHANGE! (Wow! Big word!) God never fails to change me even from the smallest thing that I encounter here. My heart has been purified more and I believe that I am in the right place where He really wants me to be.

Time flies so fast that I didn't even notice that I am already in my 11th day here in Pangasinan, my new mission area. :) And... I'm still in awe! 11 days of God's amazing grace and faithfulness! :) I am truly happy that even my heart cannot comprehend everything. :))

 I believe that my "YES" has brought me to this place. And this joy that I am feeling, it is genuine. :") 
 For I am loved because HE IS LOVE.